Navigating to Applications (and the different Applications Tabs/Sub-Sections)

Navigating to Applications (and the different Applications Tabs/Sub-Sections)

1. While logged in to your Jobberman Employer Account, click on Jobs at the top menu to view all your jobs.

For jobs which you added an Assessment while posting, you will see an 'Assessment Active' tag on them.

2. From your list of jobs, click the Job Title of the particular job you want to view its applications.

3. You will then be directed to the Applications section of that job.

Within the Applications section, there are different tabs (sub-sections): Overview & Application Status Tabs - Candidates, Viewed, In Review, Shortlisted, Hired, Not Suitable.

See the image below:

The Application Status tabs provide a systematic way of categorising your applicants. Each of these tabs enable you to easily manage your recruitment workflow.


The Different Applications Tabs (Sub-Section)

Overview Tab: This tab shows a summary of your applications. We show you the total applications per day, Applications split into their various statuses, and the breakdown of candidates by their assessment scores (for jobs with an assessment).

The image below, shows the Overview tab of a job (without an Assessment):

Candidates Tab: This tab shows the list of recently received applications, that you are yet to view. When you view an application (e.g the Profile), the application automatically moves to the Viewed tab.

The image below shows the default layout of the Candidates Tab:

Viewed Tab: This tab shows your recently Viewed applications.

In Review Tab: This tab shows the applications that you have marked with the status ‘In Review’. This status is useful when you have viewed a little information about a candidate and considered a potential shortlist, but would like to view it in more detail later, to be sure. It is also useful if someone else in your organisation is doing the second-level shortlist; you can use the ‘In Review’ status as a form of first-level shortlist.

Shortlisted Tab: This tab shows the applications that you have marked with the status ‘Shortlisted’. E.g Those candidates you deem fit to progress to the interview stage.

Hired Tab: This tab shows the applicants that you have marked as ‘Hired’.

Not Suitable Tab: This tab shows the applications that you have marked as ‘Not Suitable’.

The image below shows the default layout of each of the tabs - Viewed, In Review, Shortlisted, Hired, Not Suitable

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